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Lorna Isen, Sales Associate

Lorna Isen

Selling the Most Important Home...YOURS!


Lorna Isen is a highly accomplished Realtor representing clients throughout the Main Line, Center City Philadelphia, Delaware County and Chester County. After graduating magna cum laude from Boston University and later earning an M.B.A. from St. Joseph’s University, Lorna established a successful sales and marketing career where she spent 16 years negotiating multi-million-dollar business transactions involving such major corporations as Eli Lilly & Co., DuPont and Procter & Gamble. These experiences, combined with her personal work ethic, attention to detail, motivation and discipline, have all contributed to her success in real estate.

"I love what I do because I can draw on my marketing experience to tailor an approach for each property I represent, but real estate also draws heavily on my finance and negotiation skills," says Lorna. "My goal isn’t to just ‘process’ a client at the time a home is listed or purchased. I’m involved in every transaction, every step of the way and handle every negotiation myself."

With such personal attention, it’s no surprise that Lorna’s business is built on referrals – clients who have worked with her know she will provide great care to their family and friends regardless of price point.

When launching a property for sale, Lorna draws on her prior career experience to analyze how best to position new listings with regard to competing homes. She has long believed that professional photos are critical to creating the right image for a property so that buyers can appreciate the lifestyle a home offers. After launch, Lorna actively markets her clients’ properties, pushing listings out to other agents and the public through a range of channels including social media.

Representing buyers, Lorna’s expertise is in analyzing the real value of a property. She educates clients on what improvements a house might require or how much her clients may need to invest to create the home of their dreams, taking into consideration the market’s home-price trends. "I can’t tell my client what house to buy, but I can tell them what they need to know about the reality of the home they want and translate the emotional into the financial," says Lorna.

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